ComMIT Downloads and Email Participants List
ComMIT is an internet-enabled interface to the community tsunami model developed by the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research (NCTR).
- ComMIT Background and General Description
- ComMIT User Guide and Help
- MOST model User Guide (PDF)
- Download software... requires Java 1.6 or later
(ComMIT will tell you if you need to install it)
for Windows ComMIT_1_8_3_Windows.exe
(to run: double-click it!).
for Mac ComMIT_1_8_3_Mac.dmg
(double click, drag ComMIT app to Applications folder).
for Linux ComMIT_1_8_3_Linux.jar
(to run, type command: "java -Xmx1024m -jar ComMIT_1_8_3_Linux.jar")
Bathymetry tools (bathcorr, bathsample, crop, etc):
- Informal group email list for ComMIT participants -
- License Agreement and Disclaimer for ComMIT and MOST Model