California State Partnership Efforts
Bernard, E.N., F.I. González, and K. Satake (1993): The Cape Mendocino Tsunami, 25 April 1992. Tsunami '93, Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium, Wakayama, Japan, August 23–27, 1993, 461–467.
González, F.I., and E.N. Bernard (1993): The Cape Mendocino Tsunami. Earthquakes and Volcanoes, 23(3), 135–138.
Gonzalez, F.I., K. Satake, E.F. Boss, and H.O. Mofjeld (1995): Edge wave and non-trapped modes of the 25 April 1992 Cape Mendocino tsunami. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 144(3/4), 409-426
Mader, C.L., and E.N. Bernard (1993): Modeling tsunami flooding of Crescent City. Tsunami '93, Proceedings of the IUGG/IOC International Tsunami Symposium, Wakayama, Japan, August 23–27, 1993, 321–326.
McCarthy, R.J., E.N. Bernard, and M.R. Legg (1993): The Cape Mendocino Earthquake: A local tsunami wakeup call? Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Vol. III, 2812–2828..
Oppenheimer, D., G. Beroza, G. Carver, L. Dengler, J. Eaton, L. Gee, F. González, A. Jayko, W.H. Li, M. Lisowski, M. Magee, G. Marshall, M. Murray, R. McPherson, B. Romanowicz, K. Satake, R. Simpson, P. Somerville, R. Stein, and D. Valentine (1993): The Cape Mendocino, California, Earthquakes of April 1992: Subduction at the Triple Junction. Science, 261, 433–438
Uslu, B., M. Eble, V.V. Titov, and E.N. Bernard (2010): Distant tsunami threats to the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. NOAA OAR Special Report, Tsunami Hazard Assessment Special Series, Vol. 2, 100 pp.
Data (external to PMEL)
Port San Luis, CA 1/3 arc-second Tsunami Inundation DEM (NGDC)
Monterey, CA 1/3 arc-second Tsunami Inundation DEM (NGDC)
Related links (external to PMEL)
Please contact Jim Goltz ( ), the California
Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), Earthquake and Tsunami Program
Manager for information about California tsunami hazard and evacuation
maps. Download the state tsunami inundation maps at the California
Geological Survey tsunami website (, or view tsunami
and other hazard areas at the CalEMA MyHazards website
( Other resources can be found through the
University of Southern California Tsunami Research Group