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The NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Center for Tsunami Inundation Mapping Efforts developed tidal datum distributions for Puget Sound, Washington, based on a harmonic constant datum method described in Mofjeld, et al. (2003). These data were developed for the purpose of developing high resolution digital elevation models for use tsunami inundation modeling and are associated with the following publication:

Datum profile sections shown on map of Puget Sound Mofjeld, H.O., A.J. Venturato, V.V. Titov, F.I. Gonzalez, and J.C. Newman (2002): Tidal datum distributions in Puget Sound, Washington, based on a tidal model. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-122, 35 pp.


There is no plan to update the data on this site at this time.

Data Formats

Data are provided in ESRI ArcGIS shapefile or ascii text format. Metadata associated with each file provide more details on the data sources, development procedures, and projection information. The data were compiled in ESRI ArcView 3.2.

Data include the following:

The shoreline used in the Puget Sound Tidal Model can be obtained through the Washington State Department of Ecology


This project was partially funded by the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program to develop tsunami inundation maps for at-risk U.S. coastal communities. The development of these data were also partially supported by the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) under NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA67RJO155, JISAO Contribution No. 959, PMEL Contribution No. 2533.


Mofjeld, H.O., A.J. Venturato, F.I. Gonzalez, V.V. Titov, and J.C. Newman (2004): The Harmonic Constant Datum Method: Options for Overcoming Datum Discontinuities at Mixed-Diurnal Tidal Transitions. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 21(1), 95-104.