UW Seismology:
- Geophysics web connections to original seismic data or seismic research information
- The Indian Ocean tsunami - What it means for Cascadia
- Tsunami Hazards
Other UW links:
Other Universities, Research related:
- OHSU, Center for Coastal and Land-Margin Research - Science for Society report on Impact of tsunamis on Oregon coastal communities
- Carleton College tsunami visualizations
- USGS, Oregon State University - FTP site
- University of Colorado at Boulder, Natural Hazards Center
- Other links
US Army:
- Tsunami research at US Army Corps Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory - Engineer Research and Development Center
- Surviving a tsunami - Lessons from Chile, Hawaii and Japan (by Brian, Jody et al.)
- Tsunamis and Seismic Sea waves
- Local tsunamis in the Pacific Northwest - picture from Manzanillo, Mexico!
- National Earthquake Information Center
- Tsunami and Earthquake Research at the USGS
Hawaii Public Information:
- City and County of Honolulu tsunami information
- Bishop Museum's tsunami page
- Information on the locally generated tsunamis in Hawaii project and general info
- Pacific Tsunami Museum
- National Weather Service general tsunami page (links to WCTWC, PTWC, ITIC, etc.)
- West Coast Tsunami Warning Center (currently has link to 12/26 event)
- West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center - About tsunamis
- The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program History (front page through 2005)
- NOAA PMEL compilation of tsunami links
- NOAA PMEL Tsunami Research Program
- Tsunami data at NGDC
- TsunamiReady Communities
- NOAA Coastal Service Center
Kids and General:
- FEMA for Kids: Tsunami
- Doctor Bob's kids site on "Killer Waves"
- Derby Ridge Elementary School's tsunami page
- Doctor George's site on geo-hazards
International Sites:
- Tsunami Laboratory - Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Siberian Division Russian Academy of Sciences
- The Tsunami Research Team (TRT-BO) - part of the Solid Earth Geophysics Group of the Department of Physics of the University of Bologna
- Institute of Ocean Sciences, BC Canada
- ITSU (currently has 12/26 info)
- ICG/PTWS Awareness/Education Materials
- Australian Spaceguard Survey - Tsunami from Asteroid/Comet Impacts and other Tsunami Information
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
- Sri Lanka Tsunami Education Project
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- A disaster simulation game from the UN/ISDR
- ISDR-BIBLIO - Library for disaster reduction
- UNESCO - International Glossary of Hydrology
December 26, 2004 Asian Tsunami info:
- NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center
- PMEL’s link compilation
- Personal accounts and videos
of 2004 Sumatra tsunami:
- Dr. Mark Oberle (physician and Associate Dean, U. of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine) from Patong Beach, Phuket
- Amateur Asian Tsunami Video Footage
- Wave of Destruction
- Field Surveys
- USC, Tsunami Research Center - focuses on tsunami surveys
- Tsunami Modeling
- Oregon State University Tsunami Wave Basin - Physical modeling. Select "Research for an overview of current projects
- NOAA Center for Tsunami Research (NCTR) - Tsunami Forecast Modeling Research
- Tsunami Computational Portal (TCP) - Tsunami Modeling Research
- Seismic
- Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering - Research conducted by 26 Member U.S. Universities
- Preparedness
- Center for Hazards and Risk Research at Columbia University - Research to integrate social and physical sciences
- Partners for Disaster Resistance & Resilience
- American Museum of Natural History
- Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division
- State of California Seismic Safety Commission - The Tsunami Threat to California
- Tsunami Risk Reduction for the United States: A Framework for Action
- Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction
- Cascadia Region Earthquake Group
- Pacific Disaster Center
- Paroscientific
- MetEd
- TsuInfo Alert - Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources on behalf of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
- Natural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System
- Tsunami Warning and Education Act [PDF]
- Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide - The Mesothelioma Center at