Tsunami Simulations
"Modesto Ortiz" <ortizf@cicese.mx>
CICESE, Departamento de Oceanografia Fisica, Mexico

zma_01.jpg |
Figure zma_01.jpg color saturated at 0.1 m. The mid ocean ridges in south Pacific is acting as a wave guide (due to refraction) to concentrate energy towards Central and Southamerica. Tsunami heights are at least 10 centimeters around the global oceans. Our simulations agreed in that Argentina and Brasil received a
considerable tsunami energy. |

manzanillo.jpg |
Figure manzanillo.jpg is observed tsunami in Manzanillo (blue line) vs
synthetic tsunami (red line), time axis is GMT hours of 26 december.
Note that tsunami in manzanillo is NOT 2.7 meters, maximum height is
only 1 meter pk to pk 11 hours after first arrival. The resonance
pattern at the period of 30 minutes is produced by edge waves on the
continental slope (Manzanillo has no continental shelf). |